Nestled within the sanctuary of Mombo Island, at the northern tip of Chief's Island, lies the enchanting Mombo Camp. Here, the island is adorned with open floodplains of the Okavango Delta, and the camp itself emerges amidst the sprawling shade of ancient mangosteen, ebony, and fig trees, gazing out over a wondrous floodplain alive with the dance of wildlife. Amidst the golden light, the essence of the delta unfolds, adorned with the majestic presence of the noble lion and the stealthy grace of the big cats. The skies are alive with the melody of wings, as waterfowl and waders grace the heavens with their presence, painting a portrait of untamed beauty.
The tented suites at Mombo Camp and Little Mombo Camp are spacious and elegant with an open layout featuring a private deck area with a plunge pool and thatched gazebo for afternoon siestas or watching the ever-present wildlife grazing on the floodplains. Enjoy daily morning and afternoon game drives through the exclusive Mombo Island concession, renowned for its legendary big cats.