Jao Safari Diaries
“Autumn at Jao transforms the landscape as floodwaters journey down, inundating the floodplains and keeping the surroundings lush and vibrant for several more months. This annual arrival brings vast herds of Red Lechwe to the Jao plains, offering a bountiful feast for local predators. With the rising waters, crocodiles often venture onto the floodplains, becoming a more common sight, and the rare Sitatunga antelope can frequently be spotted on Jao Island. The channels brim with pristine, crystal-clear water, revealing the delicate, swirling stems of water lilies beneath the surface. This season also marks the return of majestic elephant herds to the area. Winter introduces crisp, cool mornings occasionally veiled in mist, while water levels reach their zenith. Spend a day exploring drier terrains teeming with wildlife, and indulge in a delightful picnic along the way. The allure of this place is timeless — one can never tire of its enchanting beauty."
Field Notes
Jao Camp is a paradise for birders, with its stunning scenery and rich avian diversity. Notable sightings include Slaty Egrets, Pink-throated Longclaws, and African Skimmers. Jao concession is home to the largest population of the endangered Wattled Crane.
Guided Safaris® Field Notes
Jao Camp
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